Process for the materiality analysis

We used the following steps to determine the materiality matrix for 2022:

  1. The 10 material topics formulated in 2021 have remained unchanged in 2022.

  2. The material topics were reviewed, re-adopted and ranked by the Board of Management in 2022. The Board of Management is responsible for management and control in relation to the material topics. This takes place by means of reports on the adopted KPIs, each issued at their own frequency.

  3. The Supervisory Board also discussed the material topics at its meeting held on 6 December 2022, after which the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board agreed on a joint ranking of the material topics.

  4. In a written survey, we asked representatives of our stakeholder groups to determine what impact each of the material topics has on their business operations. In this way, they determine which topics we should highlight in our annual report. The stakeholders did not present any new material themes. A total of 77 stakeholders indicated the impact of each topic. We defined the following stakeholder groups:

    • internal: the members of the Works Council;

    • external: business customers, private customers, shareholders, national and local government, supervisory bodies, suppliers, market parties and energy chain sector, NGOs, financial stakeholders, groundwork contractors, sector associations.

  5. Relative weight: The stakeholders’ 77 responses were all assigned equal weight. This determined the ranking of the material topics on the vertical axis of the materiality matrix. The weight of the impact on Stedin Group according to the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board was 50%/50% and determined the position of the material topics on the horizontal axis.

  6. The result of the steps referred to above is reflected in the materiality matrix. The Connectivity table shows how the material topics (including their descriptions) correlate to our strategy, risks, KPIs and objectives and the Social Development Goals of the United Nations.

The‘Interaction with our environment’ section focuses on our stakeholders.