2023 in numbers

2023 in numbersBy making substantial investments, Stedin works towards facilitating the energy transition in cooperation with stakeholders. We do this by safely accelerating construction, using the current grid more flexibly, and ensuring effective grid management. The aim is to ensure a reliable energy supply for our customers. In all this, we are mindful of our staff members: we want them to enjoy their work, to be able to develop themselves and to feel safe within a socially engaged and financially healthy Stedin. By working as sustainably as possible on a new energy system based on locally generated renewable energy, we will help achieve national and international targets to reduce CO2 emissions. We will do this both by minimising the emissions from our own operations and by enabling our customers to reduce their CO2 emissions. For a more detailed explanation of the figures below, and how they relate to our strategy, material topics, strategic risks and opportunities, please refer to the connectivity table.