Stakeholders and materiality
The challenges associated with the energy transition are not restricted to Stedin Group. As our stakeholders face similar issues, it is important to maintain good contact with them, so as to share ideas and reach solutions together.
In this light, we ask our stakeholders each year to provide input on Stedin Group's material topics: the topics that are essential for achieving our mission and strategy and are directly related to our control framework and risk management. Our materiality matrix shows how important these topics are to us and to our stakeholders.
You can read more about how we arrived at the choice of material topics and the process to determine the materiality matrix in the 'Supplementary information'. The 'Connectivity Table' presents the connection between the material topics, our strategy, risks, KPIs and the Sustainable Development Goals to which we contribute. We focus more closely on our stakeholders in the section 'Interaction with our environment'.