For both Stedin and DNWG, the buffer between the net book value and the realisable value is positive. On the basis of the above assumptions, no impairment is indicated.
Based on the impairment test carried out on 30 June 2021 as well as additional analysis, there was no indication as at 31 December 2021 that the goodwill associated with both CGUs is impaired.
The outcome of the goodwill impairment test depends on changes in certain key estimates and assumptions. The most important ones are:
Stedin Group performed a sensitivity analysis of changes in the key assumptions and estimates that were used to determine the realisable value for both CGUs. Stedin Group is of the opinion that any reasonably possible change in the key assumptions on which the realisable values are based will not lead to a decrease of the realisable value below the net book value. The sensitivities to changes in key assumptions on which the realisable values of Stedin and DNWG are based are described below:
None of the above sensitivities result in a material negative buffer or an impairment indication.