Employees and intellectual capital

Material topic

11 Sufficient technical staff, IT staff

Strategic spearhead

Why is this topic relevant?

Scarcity in the labour market and ageing within Stedin Group make it necessary to train existing or new staff ourselves. We invest in strategic personnel planning, have an in-house training school and seek staff in unconventional places.

Connection to risks (R) and opportunities (O)

R: Unavailability of enough people with the required technical and other competences

Material topic

12 Training and development

Strategic spearhead

Why is this topic relevant?

The changes in the energy landscape are far-reaching and proceed rapidly. Our employees need to be and remain professionally competent so as to contribute to our mission. We promote a culture in which learning can take place continually and at any time.

Connection to risks (R) and opportunities (O)

R: Unavailability of enough people with the required technical and other competences


Target for 2020

Implementation in 2020

Target for 2021

Where can you read more about this topic?

Inspired and committed employees (on a scale of 1 to 10)

Number of work placements

Inspired 7.5
Committed 7.7

> 1% of workforce

Inspired 8.0
Committed 8.1

2.9% (126 interns)

Inspired 7.5
Committed 7.7

> 1% of workforce



Material topic

13 Safety at work and in the environment

Strategic spearhead

Why is this topic relevant?

Working on the energy infrastructure involves numerous risks, which is why safety remains a priority and why Stedin Group invests in knowledge, professional competence, safety measures and a good safety culture. This way, we ensure the safety of our customers, employees, contractors and hired staff.

Connection to risks (R) and opportunities (O)

R: Impact of accidents


Target for 2020

Implementation in 2020

Target for 2021

Where can you read more about this topic?

Lost Time Injury Rate (LTIR)

≤ 1.95


≤ 1.95



Recordable Incident Frequency (RIF)

≤ 0.90


≤ 0.90

Improved grid management Facilitating the energy transition Sustainable business operations