Annual Report 2020
About us
Stedin Group's activities
Key figures and ratios for 2020
Mission, vision and strategy
Developments within society and the energy market
Value creation and measuring impact
Sustainable Development Goals
Stakeholders and materiality
Connectivity, KPIs and targets
Improved grid management
Strategic initiatives
Facilitating the energy transition
Sustainable business operations
Financial results
Non-regulated activities
What have we learnt
Focus areas in 2021
Corporate Governance
Risk management
In-control statement
Report of the Supervisory Board
Interview with Doede Vierstra
Report of the Supervisory Board
Remuneration report for 2020
Financial statements
Financial statements
Consolidated statement of income
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
Consolidated balance sheet
Consolidated cash flow statement
Consolidated statement of changes in group equity
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Company income statement
Company balance sheet
Notes to the company financial statements
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Financial statements
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Consolidated statement of changes in group equity
Accounting principles for financial reporting
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Consolidated statement of changes in group equity
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Accounting principles for financial reporting