Stakeholder | Note | Material topic |
Government | - European and national – laws and regulations, energy policy
- Province, region, municipalities – regional and local energy policy, coordinate energy transition plans and realisation of (test) projects – Regional Energy Strategies, Regional Agenda for Charging Infrastructure Network, Transition Vision for Heat, Test beds for Natural Gas-free Districts, coordinate realisation of investments in the grids, provincial and municipal consultations on utilities, interprovincial consultation, covenants for multidisciplinary operations, permits, cooperation of security regions.
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Politics | - Upper House of Parliament and House of Representatives, States General, Ministries – influencing policy on relevant themes, frameworks for, for instance, Regional Energy strategies, contributing expertise and experience.
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Regulators | - State Supervision of Mines, Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets, Radiocommunications Agency Netherlands, Social Affairs and Employment Inspectorate, Dutch Safety Board, Dutch Data Protection Authority, Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets, Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate, EU Supervisors – inform (standard and ad hoc), knowledge exchange
| 67813 |
Energy supply chain | - Netbeheer Nederland, regional grid managers, national grid managers TenneT and Gasunie, energy producers and energy suppliers, parties responsible for metering, independent service providers, Energie Nederland, Energie Data Services Nederland, Vereniging Nederlandse Energie- en Data Uitwisseling – aimed at knowledge exchange, partnerships, promotion of interests, cooperation, dialogue
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Public organisations | - Water authorities, Water companies, Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management, ProRail, Staatsbosbeheer (National Forest Service in the Netherlands), housing associations, Cyber Security Board – consultation and coordination of work below ground and permit applications
| 181314 |
Local environment | - Businesses and private individuals in an area where work is being or will in due course be carried out – environment management, engage in dialogue and inform
| 8913 |
NGOs and civil-society organisations | - Natuur en Milieu, Milieudefensie, Greenpeace, Springtij – knowledge exchange, dialogue
- Jinq, Energy Bank Rotterdam and The Hague, Stichting Hartekind, USEF Foundation – voluntary work, cooperation
| 121415 |
Suppliers | - Contractors and suppliers of goods and services – cooperation, relationship management and dialogue
| 1315 |
Media | - National, regional and online media – inform
| All material topics |
interest groups/ industry organisations | - IPMA,, Dutch Power, Cigre Nederland, Nestor rapportage, Vereniging voor Energie Milieu en Water – member and/or an active role as chair or board member
- Dutch Consumers' Association, Association of (Prospective) Homeowners (VEH), construction and electrical engineering industry association, Techniek Nederland, employers' association WENB, VNG (Association of Netherlands Municipalities) – inform, engage in dialogue, knowledge exchange
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Knowledge institutions Partners | - Delft University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, Wageningen University & Research, Erasmus University, Utrecht University and Groningen University, Nijenrode – knowledge exchange, research, cooperation
- Senior secondary vocational education (MBO) and higher professional education (HBO) degree programmes – cooperation
- Universal Smart Energy Framework, Deltalinqs, Dutch Power, Energy WEb Foundation, Energie Data Services Nederland, Green Village, Platform Groene Netten, Stichting Elaad, Missie H2,, CE Delft, Netherlands Energy Research Alliance, Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), GOPACS, IPO (Association of Provincial Authorities), Economic Board South Holland, Bouwend Nederland, Techniek Nederland – participation in management, cooperation
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