Financial, economic

Material topic

1 Economic, financial performance

Strategic spearhead

Why is this topic relevant?

Stedin Group has a public task. We treat our social capital prudently and intelligently. A financially healthy Stedin Group has the necessary strength to facilitate the energy transition.

Connection to risks (R) and opportunities (O)

R: Uncertainties concerning long-term financing, Increased likelihood of surge to replace obsolete assets


Target for 2020

Implementation in 2020

Target for 2021

Where can you read more about this topic?

FFO/Net debt ratio

≥ 12%


≥ 12%







Efficiency/controllable saving (Capex and Opex)*

€26 million

€26 million

€25 million

  1. * 'Capex' refers to the Capital Expenditures, the costs related to developing and supplying our products and services. 'Opex' refers to the Operating Expenditures, the operational costs to enable our business operations.

Material topic

2 Investing in infrastructure

Strategic spearhead

Why is this topic relevant?

In our view, it is important that the energy transition is achieved at the lowest societal costs. We measure the investments against the objective of ensuring that the Netherlands is climate-neutral by 2050.

Connection to risks (R) and opportunities (O)

R: Uncertainties concerning long-term financing, Insufficient connection and transmission capacity, Increased likelihood of surge to replace obsolete assets


Target for 2020

Implementation in 2020

Target for 2021

Where can you read more about this topic?

Investments in future-proof energy infrastructure

€669 million

€620 million

€687 million

Stedin Group's Strategy Results:

completion rate of smart meter installations.

≥ 80% of offers

89.2% of offers

≥ 80% of offers


Number of smart meter offers

Smart meter offered among 100% of population

Offered among 95.6% of the population

Smart meter offered among 100% of population

Material topic

3 Organisation's capacity for change

Strategic spearhead

Why is this topic relevant?

The environment in which we operate calls for flexibility, an agile organisation, and continual development of our talent and professional expertise, which calls for leadership.

Connection to risks (R) and opportunities (O)

R: Agility of the organisation


Target for 2020

Implementation in 2020

Target for 2021

Where can you read more about this topic?

Leadership programme:

  • Competences in leadership profile elaborated in a four-point scale for desirable behaviour
  • The programme's reach in this regard
  • Managers reached with two kick-forward sessions

Employee motivation*:

  • Employees' confidence in chosen strategy and policy
  • Extent to which the purpose of my work is clear
  • Commitment





0% **









  1. * As of 2021, we report on a new set of KPIs regarding capacity for change. These KPIs concern questions, related to capacity for change, in the employee satisfaction survey that is carried out each year.
  2. * In connection with COVID-19 and the launch of a renewed leadership profile in 2021, the leadership programme has been moved to 2021.

Improved grid management Facilitating the energy transition Sustainable business operations