Profit appropriation

Proposal for appropriation of profit for 2019

The articles of association of Stedin Holding N.V. contain provisions concerning profit appropriation. The articles of association state that 50% of the profit is eligible for dividend distributions in principle, excluding incidental income. Stedin Holding N.V. has designated the following income as incidental income:

x 1 million



Profit after income tax



Result attributable to holders of Stedin Holding N.V. perpetual subordinated bonds



Incidental income:

Change in corporate income tax rate



Profit on disposal of Joulz Diensten



Profit after income tax available for distribution to the shareholders



Proposed dividend



Increase of general reserve after proposed dividend distribution



A proposal will be put to the General Meeting of Shareholders to resolve to pay a dividend of 52 million, being 50% of the profit excluding incidental income, plus a one-off amount of 20 million and to add the remainder of 273 million to the general reserve.

This would represent a total dividend for 2019 of 10.46 per share (2018: 9.18 per share). The proposed profit appropriation has not been recognised in the balance sheet as at 31 December 2019.

Rotterdam, 23 March 2020

Stedin Holding N.V.

Board of Management

Supervisory Board

Marc van der Linden, CEO (chair)
Danny Benima, CFO
Judith Koole, COO
David Peters, CTO

Doede Vierstra (chair)
Hanne Buis
Theo Eysink
Annie Krist
Dick van Well